I’d like to tell you about my day.
Earlier today, I sent out an invitation to stop by the Shop for popsicles, a bonfire, and some late-night plant shopping. I had no clue what would happen, and zero expectations. Would anyone show up?
The idea for the bonfire and popsicles was inspired by The Cure for Burnout by Emily Ballesteros, a new book I started reading a few days ago. I mention this because I shared the title of this book with easily a dozen or more people today – and that’s neverhappened before. This feels like a resource all of us need right now, and it made me realize that maybe I need to just… say that out loud to more people?
So, here’s a direct link for you to purchase your own copy from Brain Lair Books, our neighbor just up the street from The Botany Shop, where I ordered my copy. And, a shout out to the Open and Awkward podcast hosts, Katie and Amanda, for recommending this book on the show. It’s saving my life right now. And I think it could really help you, too.
I’d offer to let you borrow my copy when I’m done, but I’ve already started highlighting things and writing notes in the margins. This book is quickly becoming my companion.
One of the first things I learned is that as burnout sets in, our schedule is too full of the wrong things, and we deprioritize spending time with people we love because we’re too busy “making time for everything else.” The irony, of course, is that spending time with our people is also a proven way to push back against burnout.
We need to reach out to our people. Meet for coffee. Stop by for a quick hug. Send a text. Call your best friend you haven’t talked to in months. Stop by a community bonfire.
It’s time to reconnect. The right way. The healthy way.
Anyway, popsicles and a bonfire.
I sent the invite emails and posted on social media – this “thing” that wasn’t even in my brain at 6am was now happening, and I had to get ready. We had to deliver.
First, a shout-out to my dad, Dave, for constructing the fire pit and stocking it with the best dry kindling and paper. He made it easy for this part of the evening to happen, something I didn’t have to worry about. Thank you.
Second, a shout-out to LaRae of Craft One Half. She made the most delicious popsicles for our Plant Pride celebration this year, and she had a few left over that had just been chilling in their freezer at the restaurant (see what I did there?) I sent her a text this morning, and she met me at the restaurant for a quick and efficient hand off a few hours later. We hugged and talked for a few minutes, then it was back to work for us both.
I got back to the Shop from Craft One Half around 4:45. I had only a few minutes to light the fire, bring out the speaker, set up the music, and oh – can’t forget the scissors to open the popsicles. Hustle.
A few minutes later, the first guests began to arrive. Families. Individuals. There were hugs, tears, and gratitude. So much gratitude. The love was palpable, and it was… more than I think I was even prepared to take in? I don’t know if I’ve ever felt like this before… and let me tell you, I didn’t expect to feel like this when the day started. Not even a little bit. This is so much more than I could have expected…
One neighbor brought the most beautiful stone crystal as a gift because she wanted us to know she cared about us and appreciated what we were doing. She told me about her busy day and all the running around she had to do and the 14-week-old puppy at home that I could tell she was ready to run back to. She still made time for us though, and I felt the power of her intention. I’ve never been gifted anything like this before. She had tears in her eyes as she handed it over. I could feel how much this meant to her. I already cherish it.
Someone else brought a seed pod to identify, and we reflected for a moment on the potent resiliency and captive potential within each and every seed, and how one plant can create thousands of seeds…
I also noticed that nobody was on their phones…
I could tell you at least a dozen more stories like this, just from the last few hours.
We need more of this. We need more of this.
The thought running through my head in this moment: I have to pay this forward. I have to share this abundance, because that’s how we get through this.
I’ve been thinking a lot about Botany’s future today. How are we able to show up right now and in the days to come? How do we participate? I’ve been trying on the phrase “neighborhood and ecosystem builders” for the past few months, and ya know what… that’s still feeling pretty good after today.
Something about this moment feels like we need to tell our story. It feels like, even if we don’t have all the answers, we need to share what we’re learning, as we’re learning it, with as many people as possible.
We need to crowdsource a better future. Almost like an open-source software developer who writes new lines of code and then just shares them with the world.
It starts tonight. Right here, right now.
I’m genuinely excited to have more of these conversations with you. To share more of our stories. To learn together, discover together, fail together, and grow together.
We live within too many broken systems. And it doesn’t have to be this way.
As always, it takes a village, and we remain – more than ever – grateful, that you’re ours.
See you soon, plant lovers.
Ben | Botany Founder & CEO